Kretingos šilumos tinklai
UAB Kretingos šilumos tinklai was registered in 1998 after the reorganization of SP AB Klaipedos Energija. In 2003 registered...
Klaipėdos rajono energija
UAB Klaipėdos rajono energija was established in 2012. The main activity is heat supply. Other activities – surface wastewater...
Klaipėdos energija
AB “Klaipėdos energija” was founded in 1991. The major activitiy of the company is the production, distribution and supply...
Kazlų Rūdos šilumos tinklai
UAB “Kazlų Rūdos šilumos tinklai” was established in 20th of November 2000. The main activity of the company –...
Komunalinių paslaugų centras
UAB Komunalinių paslaugų centras was founded in 2008 with the purpose of utilities provision. The company supplies a heating...
Kauno energija
AB “Kauno energija” was established on 22nd of August of Y1997. The main activities are heating supply for consumers,...
Kaišiadorių šiluma
UAB “Kaišiadorių šiluma” was established in 25th of August of Y2000. The company provides and air conditioning and steam...
Jonavos šilumos tinklai
UAB “Jonavos šilumos tinklai” has been founded in 19th of August of Y1997. The main activity of the company...
Ignalinos šilumos tinklai
UAB Ignalinos šilumos tinklai has been founded in 2000. Company provides the heating supply, production and supply of hot...