Plungės šilumos tinklai
UAB Plungės šilumos tinklai was registered on March 15, 1998. Main activity of the company – centralized supply of...
Panevėžio energija
AB Panevėžio energija was registered on April 8, 1991. Main activities of the company – production and supply of...
Palangos šilumos tinklai
UAB Palangos šilumos tinklai was established in 1998. In the end of 2000, company was leased to international company...
Pakruojo šiluma
UAB Pakruojo šiluma was established on May 31, 1999, after reorganization of SP AB Šiaulių energija. On December 8,...
Neringos energija
UAB Neringos energija was established in 1998. Company is a main heating provider in city of Neringa. Main activity...
Molėtų šiluma
UAB Molėtų šiluma was established on May 31, 2000 after reorganization of SP AB Vilniaus šilumos tinklai. In 2003...
Mažeikių šilumos tinklai
UAB „Mažeikių šilumos tinklai“ consists of the Mažeikiai boiler house, which has been operating since 1974, the Reivyčiai boiler...
Marijampolės šilumos tinklai
UAB „Marijampolės šilumos tinklai“ was established on the 1st of April, 2000, after the reorganization of SP AB “Alytaus...
Lazdijų šiluma
UAB Lazdijų šiluma was established on August 17, 1997. Main activity of the company – supply of hot water...