Molėtų vanduo

UAB “Molėtų vanduo” was registered on May 1, 1992. The main activity of the company is to supply consumers...
Mažeikių vandenys

In 1972, The Mažeikiai Territorial Water Supply and Sewerage Control was established, and on April 16th, 1973 it belonged...
Sūduvos vandenys

UAB “Sūduvos vandenys” is the successor of the Water Supply and Sewerage Control of the Kapsukas District Utility Company,...
Lazdijų vanduo

On July 18, 1995 the company took over the rights, obligations and responsibilities of the former Lazdijai State Water...
Kupiškio vandenys

The company was registered on November 19, 1990 as UAB Kupiškio butų ūkis. On October 28, 2008 the final...
Kretingos vandenys

UAB “Kretingos vandenys” was registered on November 21, 1991 as a state enterprise, on December 12, 1995 transformed into...
Klaipėdos vanduo

AB “Klaipedos vanduo” was registered on April 12, 1995. The main activity is the provision of drinking water supply...
Kelmės vanduo

UAB “Kelmės vanduo” was established on June 19, 1995. The main activities are water supply, sewage disposal and treatment.
Kėdainių vandenys

UAB “Kėdainių vandenys” was established on September 9, 1991. The main activities are water collection, treatment and supply, wastewater...