Debreceno vaistinė

UAB „Debreceno vaistinė“ was established on the 5th of November, 1993. Company’s main activity is medicines production and sale.
Naujasis turgus

UAB “Naujasis turgus” was registered on November 11, 2004. The main activities are marketplace administration, provision of services, rental...
Klaipėdos paslaugos

UAB „Klaipėdos autobusų parkas“ was established on November 20, 1990. Company provides passenger transport on regular routes within the...
Klaipėdos regiono atliekų tvarkymo centras

New waste management system according to the European Union ecological standards in the Klaipeda region. Main project works: preparation...
Klaipėdos energija

AB “Klaipėdos energija” was founded in 1991. The major activitiy of the company is the production, distribution and supply...
Klaipėdos vanduo

AB “Klaipedos vanduo” was registered on April 12, 1995. The main activity is the provision of drinking water supply...