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Valdymo koordinavimo centras Governance Coordination Centre

State Owned Enterprises

The Agricultural Data Center of state enterprise started operating in 2023 January the 3rd after reorganizing by merging the state company Agricultural Information and Rural Business Center, the Member State Center for Remote Research and Geoinformatics “GIS-Centras” and the State Land Fund. The company took over all the rights and duties of reorganized state enterprises.

Financial results

P/L Statment

Revenue 4,814
Cost of goods sold 3,715
Gross profit (loss) 1,099
Gross profit margin 23%
Operating expenses 570
Operating profit (loss) 529
Operating profit margin 11%
EBITDA margin 12%
Net profit (loss) 483
Net profit margin 10%
2020-06 2021-06 2022-06 2023-06
Revenue 0 2,404
Cost of goods sold 0 1,640
Gross profit (loss) 0 0 0 764
Gross profit margin % % % 32%
Operating expenses 0 0 0 269
Operating profit (loss) 0 0 0 495
Operating profit margin % % % 21%
EBITDA margin % % % %
Net profit (loss) 0 0 0 493
Net profit margin % % % 21%

Balance sheet

Non-current assets 5,662
Intangible assets 2,141
Tangible assets 3,521
Financial assets 0
Other non-current assets 0
Current assets 7,867
Inventories and prepaid expenses 158
Accounts receivable in one year 194
Other current assets 0
Cash and cash equivalents 7,516
Total assets 13,556
Equity 2,978
Grants and subsidies 8,875
Liabilities 502
Financial liabilities 0
Long-term liabilities 0
Short-term liabilities 502
Equity and liabilities 13,556
2020-06 2021-06 2022-06 2023-06
Non-current assets 0 0 0 6,104
Intangible assets 2,484
Tangible assets 3,620
Financial assets 0
Other non-current assets 0
Current assets 0 0 0 9,053
Inventories and prepaid expenses 207
Accounts receivable in one year 5,934
Other current assets 0
Cash and cash equivalents 2,911
Total assets 0 0 0 15,258
Equity 0 0 0 2,988
Grants and subsidies 10,376
Liabilities 0 0 0 1,137
Financial liabilities 0 0 0 18
Long-term liabilities 0 0 0 16
Short-term liabilities 0 0 0 1,121
Equity and liabilities 0 0 0 15,258

Financial ratios

Capital return ratios
Return on assets (ROA) 4%
Return on equity (ROE) 16%
Return on capital employed (ROCE) 18%
Capital structure and liquidity ratios
Debt / asset ratio (D/A) 0.00
Current Ratio 15.66
Quick ratio 15.35
Turnover ratios
Asset turnover 0.36
Fixed asset turnover 0.85
Equity turnover 1.62
Profitability ratios
EBITDA margin 12%
Operating profit margin 11%
Net profit margin 10%
Other ratios
Dividends to the State 0.00
Dividends paid / net profit 0.00
Capital return ratios
Return on assets (ROA) 6%
Return on equity (ROE) 33%
Return on capital employed (ROCE) 16%
Capital structure and liquidity ratios
Debt / asset ratio (D/A) 0.00
Current Ratio 8.07
Quick ratio 7.89
Turnover ratios
Asset turnover 0.16
Fixed asset turnover 0.39
Equity turnover 0.80
Profitability ratios
EBITDA margin 23%
Operating profit margin 21%
Net profit margin 21%
Other ratios
Dividends to the State
Dividends paid / net profit

Expectations of the state

About the company

  • Official nameVĮ Žemės ūkio duomenų centra
  • Legal formState enterprise (VĮ)
  • Company code306205513
  • SectorOther
  • Line of businessThe company took over all the rights and duties of reorganized state enterprises.
  • Institution representing the StateMinistry of Agriculture
  • Share belonging to the State100%


Number of employees


Financial data provided as at end-December 2023


  • Algirdas JuozaponisChief Executive Officer

Information as of: 2024/07/01

Board of Directors


  • Paulius MartinkusIndependent Member; BĮ Valstybinė maisto ir veterinarijos tarnyba; AB Vilniaus šilumos tinklai; VĮ Valstybinių miškų urėdija


  • Nerijus AdomaitisIndependent member; UAB EPSO-G
  • Kristina Indriošienė Ministry of Agriculture
  • Dangirutis JanušasIndependent member; UAB Verslo konsultacijų spektras; AB Giraitės ginkluotės gamykla; VĮ Registrų centras
  • Elena BanevičienėVĮ Žemės ūkio duomenų centras

Information as of: 2024/07/01