Radviliškio vanduo
UAB Radviliškio vanduo was registered on November 4, 1991. The main activities are the supply of drinking water, wastewater...
Prienų vandenys
UAB Prienų vandenys was registered on September 16, 1991. Its main activities are the supply of cold water, wastewater...
Plungės vandenys
The company was registered as a district public water supply company on June 2, 1992. On May 17, 1995...
Pasvalio vandenys
UAB “Pasvalio vandenys” was registered on April 24, 1996. The main activities of the Company are water collection, treatment...
Aukštaitijos vandenys
UAB “Aukštaitijos vandenys” was registered on January 14, 1991. UAB “Aukštaitijos vandenys” supplies drinking water, collects and manages wastewater,...
Palangos vandenys
On June 30, 2003, the company was re-registered from the Special Purpose Company to the Private Limited Liability Company...
Pakruojo vandentiekis
In 1995, the Pakruojis water supply company was transformed into the closed joint-stock company “Pakruojo vandentiekis”. The main goal...
Neringos vanduo
According to the resolution of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania on the management of municipal property, the...
Molėtų vanduo
UAB “Molėtų vanduo” was registered on May 1, 1992. The main activity of the company is to supply consumers...