Vilniaus atliekų sistemos administratorius
SĮ „Vilniaus atliekų sistemos administratorius“ was registered in 23 September 2015. The main activity of the company is the...
ID Vilnius
UAB “Vilniaus Plan” was registered on May 14, 1996. The main activity of the company is the preparation of...
UAB VAATC was registered in 2003. February 21 The company was established in order to create a Vilnius regional...
Vilniaus apšvietimas
UAB „Vilniaus apšvietimas“ was established on May 11, 1999, and in 2018. November 14 a new name was registered...
Vilniaus miesto būstas
SĮ “Vilniaus miesto būstas” was established on 28 May 2008. reorganization of UAB “Bendruva”. The main activity of the...
Susisiekimo paslaugos
SĮ „Susisiekimo paslaugos“ was registered on November 23, 1998. The main activities of the company are organization of public...
Vilniaus vystymo kompanija
UAB “Vilniaus vystymo kompanija” was registered in former name Vilnius City Municipality SĮ “Kapitalinė Statyba” and UAB “Vilniaus kapitalinė...
UAB “Grinda”was registered on December 28, 1990. The main activities of the company are repair and maintenance of street...
Vilniaus viešasis transportas
UAB „Vilniaus viešasis transportas“ was registered on October 12, 2011 by reorganizing UAB „Vilniaus autobusai“ and UAB „Vilniaus troleibusai“....