SOE contribution to the budget – EUR 200 million

For the previous year, the returns generated by state-owned enterprises (SOEs) to the state grew by 35.2% up to...
More independent board members in SOEs

As Lithuania pursues the membership in Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the management of State-Owned Enterprises is...
SOE Governance and its Perspectives in Lithuania

During the international conference in Seimas 'SOE Governance and its Perspectives in Lithuania' the good SOE governance practice in...
SOEs earned EUR 114.5 million in the first six months of 2017

Lithuanian state-owned enterprises (SOEs) earned EUR 114.5 million in normalised net profit in the first six months of 2017....
SOEs in 2016 – more profitable

The Governance Coordination Centre prepared the annual report on state-owned enterprise (SOE) activities 2016 where it presented the SOE...
GCC functions to be performed by Monitoring and Forecasting Agency

As of July 1, 2017 state owned enterprise Governance Coordination Centre functions are performed by Monitoring and Forecasting Agency...
National Audit Office presents SOE audit results

National Audit Office of Lithuania announced the results of three systemic audits: Return to the State of State-Owned Enterprises;...
Government pursues effective SOE structure

On March 29 Government agreed to reallocate the national road assets to Lietuvos automobilių kelių direkcija (Lithuanian Road Administration),...
Number of State Owned Enterprises decreases

The number of SOEs steadily declines, when the companies working within the same or similar fields are merged, and...