State-owned enterprises remote conference online discussion: public enterprises governance

Within the last 5 years, state-owned enterprises (SOE) number decreased from 128 to the total of 48 while the...
The contribution of the SOEs to resolve the corona virus crisis

Koronaviruso pandemijos krizei spręsti ir neišvengiamiems jos padariniams Lietuvoje mažinti susitelkė ne tik visuomeninės organizacijos, dosniai paramą dalinantis privatus...
Discussion on strengthening the role of the collegial bodies

Today, on March 22, the conference “What expectations do we have for collegial bodies in state-owned enterprises?” was organised...
Clearer visions of the future in the strategic plans of SOEs

An evaluation carried out by the Governance Coordination Centre, an institution promoting the good governance practices in Lithuanian state-owned...
New profitability targets for SOEs

Over the next 3 years some state-owned enterprises (SOEs) will have to earn a higher return on capital, while...
Good governance topic in Regional Leadership Forum

Today, on 30 November, in Utena took place Regional Leadership Forum, where speakers discussed public management, public services and...
Significant changes in SOE governance

The governance of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) is gradually improving. Over 2017, the practices concerning the formation of collegial bodies...
Vilniaus Vandenys seeks to be evaluated via GGI

The largest water company in Lithuania Vilniaus Vandenys, the first of municipality owned enterprises expressed the wish to cooperate...
SOE results improved over the first half-year in 2018

The performance across the state-owned enterprise (SOE) portfolio saw an improvement during the first half-year in 2018. Sales revenue,...
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